On many occasions during this trip, we've heard glowing reports on the health and particularly dental care here in Mexico. Some of these stories have been off the charts amazing.
SO. Mike has a tooth ache/bone or spur or something growing behind his wisdom tooth; the more it bugs him the more he worries it- vicious circle. Finally, the local ex-pats here say: YOU are being dumb. GO to the dentist. The care is wonderful and so much cheaper than in the states; why are you waiting??
Being as we pay for all dental now, Mike, with major reticence, says: okHe went today. Dr. Rodriquez sits Mike in a "real" dental chair stuck in the middle of what appears to be an white bedroom, asks about the problem, feels Mike's molar area, numbs the area with topical antiseptic, TAKES an xray, and provides diagnosis.
Says he thinks it's just a bone piece that broke off and will subsequently now heal; Mike agrees and says it has been getting better.
Total Bill:
Ten bucks.
Mike has to make an appt at home to have his teeth cleaned (we actually cancelled one for Jan 5 in Chico because we knew we wouldn't be there.) He decides (miracle of miracle) to go back to Dr. Rodriquez tomorrow. Cleaning:
Twenty five dollars.
Office (I think it was mom and son) doesn't take VISA and didn't have change for the twenty dollar bill Mike had, so DOCTOR (not receptionist/mom) says: S'ok. Just pay tomorrow when you come for the cleaning. OR, give me the twenty and I'll credit you in the morning. Either way is fine.
Have you EVER heard of such a thing?
FURTHERMORE, I just read today: One can buy Mexican health insurance here for $250 a year (that is, YEAR.) That covers everything, including meds, hospital visits, doctors, lab and xray work, dental, more, all with no deductible.
The Where's Waldo question~ What is wrong with this picture.
Response from a good, smart, and articulate friend (THANKS, GARY!!):
Ya think?? We have been beating that drum for a while. And the effing Republicans keep whining about "Government Socialist Health Care," but of course they don't want anyone to touch their Congressional Programs, Medicare or V.A. "Socialist" coverage. We have friends in Canada who think we are absolutely nuts for not having a system similar to theirs. Of course, Mexico is a "Third World Country" and we certainly don't want that kind of reputation around here. Some docs in Chico are making a killing, while others are quitting their practice because of the crap they have to endure from the insurance companies. Was an article in the ER (local rag) a few days ago about the number of docs who are giving up their private practice to go to work in penal institutions because it is more stable and less stress. Oh, prisoners get "Socialist" medical care.
And from another bestest friend, equally smart and articulate: Becky
I am with you that the United States is crazy expensive. However, here, in the United States , our dollars are not paying for our own (personal) health care; our dollars are taking care of all those people who do not have the “twenty-five dollars cash” to pay for health care themselves. Our government (I suppose because of our Christian heritage) decided to take care of its poor (including the poor folks in Mexico who come here looking for work and need health care).
I just read an article tracking how much our cities pay for the homeless. In Reno, one homeless drunk (now deceased), cost the city over $100,000.00 per year for fifteen years (cost included every time he got pneumonia, cirrhosis of the liver which caused multiple other health problems, detox programs, etc.). In New York and Los Angeles you have to times that by the size of those cities and the homeless and helpless are draining our cities’ coffers. Take away the cost of paying for everyone else, our doctor visits might be in the range of $25.00 too. My ex-husband lived in Mexico for seven years until his heart and complications from AIDS got so bad he had to move back for the superior (free to him because of Social Security Disability and Medicare and Medi-Cal) health service that he can get in San Diego. The solution to this problem is a mystery and is “muy sad”.
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